Is so dusty in here *cough*
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... what books follow what is not lined up correctly - where it's supposed to say the next book in the series it's an unrealted book.
Also whats the "eyes wide open" section for
Just Updated
Peeps haven't been active since I was in like 4th grade 0-0
Hello anyone here still?
This place has a layer of imaginary dust everywhere
I have recently begun re-reading these books. While I read, I have decided to help flesh out some of these wiki pages. However, I do not know how to format the pages to have categories or add info boxes. I would love to have someone else help add to, edit and refine these pages with me. It would also be nice to talk to someone about these books that I enjoy. :)
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So there is an event that is described in both the book Red and Infidel. (I had been listening through the circle trilogy unabridged on my drives this summer and picked up the lost books off the book shelf to try to catch up in that series). This event is Thomas Hunter meeting Chalise. I am familiar with the circumstances of their meeting in the story of Infidel since I am currently reading it, but I am trying to remember the circumstances in the other story. For some reason, I think they have some discrepencies. Can anyone recall how Thomas runs into Chalise in the Circle trilogy? (When he introduces himself as Roland the scab)
I have noticed that some pages begin with the and others don't. For example we have a page called The Forest Dwellers and one called Horde. (as opposed to The Horde) I thought perhaps we should have a standerd procedure for this. What are your opinions?
I was thinking perhaps we can have templates for saying when a page is missing a section. For example if a book page is missing a plot summary it could say "This book page is missing a plot summary." and put the page in a category for pages missing plot summaries. I've made an example of what the templates might look like here. What do you think?
Just as we plan on having a book page format, I think we should have a character page format. The community should decide on the differant sections. Some sections that I think might be good would be the character infobox, (which you can see an example of on Johnis) a biography section, and an apperances section. What are your opinions?
I've worked on many wikis, and they always have a format for the same group of page to make it look uniform. Each page has the same sections, just with different information. However, I haven't worked much on book wikis, so I don't know, and I think the community as a whole should decide what headings should be the format for book pages. What do you think?
The main page needs some work, so I think we should list some of the things we want to go on it before we start.
Some things I would like to see are:
- Poll of the Month
- Featured Article
- Lose the Wiki Activity
- Organized Wiki Navigation
- Links to Ted Dekker's Books (maybe not all due to the quantity, but quite a few)
- Recent Blog News
These are just my ideas for it. What does everyone else think?
Ted Dekker has announced that he is giving away a free copy of his newest book, Identity, to everyone who enters their name. You can find out more at Ted Dekker's official website: [[1]]
I was wondering if this wiki would like to expand itself into a wiki for all of Ted Dekker's books. I know we've got enough on our plate already, but think this would be a good idea, for various reasons. Some wikis have a main topic, but they also cover spin-offs of that topic. While Ted Dekker's other books aren't spin-offs, they are similarly related, and I think it would be good for the wiki. Another reason is that this could be the only way for some of his stand-alone to go on a wiki, as most people wouldn't make a wiki for just one book. I know we haven't even got the Lost Books of History done, but this is an idea.